Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Norah + Snow = Poop

I took Norah outside just now, not for a walk, but to just jump around a bit in the almost foot of snow that is already on the ground while more comes down...

She hopped around in it like some sort of gigantic bunny (I'll take some video tomorrow when it is light out), and then pooped! She was even on her short "walking" leash and everything!

While she still isn't quite perfect with the potty training and the going to the bathroom on a leash, she is SO MUCH better than she was when we first got her. At this rate, she'll be totally potty-normal by the end of winter I think!

I couldn't find my poop-bags (haven't had much need for them until now) so I used a plastic drink cup to pick it up... it was like some sort of horrible snow-cone from hell... I got a kick out of it. 

Ok - I'll try not to do another post on poop for a while, I promise. 

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